תאור הקורסים
בכל הקורסים שלנו אין יותר משלושה תלמידים למדריך אחד.
AIDA שני כוכבים – אורך הקורס שלושה ימים, צלילות לעומק 16-20 מטר. מחיר – 1300 ₪
AIDA שלושה כוכבים – אורך הקורס שלושה ימים, צלילות לעומק 24 מטר. מחיר – 1950 ₪
AIDA שניים+שלושה כוכבים, אורך שני הקורסים יחד חמישה ימים, צלילות לעומק 24 מטר, מחיר 3200 ₪
This course begins from entry level to 30m. It is designed for people who have had little or no theory or formal in-water instruction. It is also highly recommended for more
Experienced freedivers who may be doing anywhere between 20m –30m but who have not had any formal theory or for people who have been limited to pool training.
Disciplines followed in the course
*Constant Weights: monofin/ bi-fin
*Free Immersion
*Static and Dynamic
Elective disciplines:
Unassisted Constant Weights
Dynamic without fins
Theory and Topics Discussed:
20 Safety Rules and Procedures / Problem solving and prevention / Rescue
Correct Breathing and Breath-hold exercises for training the diaphragm
Introduction to Pranayama
Equalization check and correction
Warm-up Procedure / Dive line procedure / Partner Work
Physics and Physiology of Freediving
Freedive Reflexes and Responses Mental/Psychological aspects of Freediving
Hydro-dynamics and Style
Tactics and Pacing
Equipment / Rigging
Training / construction of training plan: exercise, nutrition, and rest.
For further information and reservations please, email.
Please Note:
A theory review can be completed for those having done Static courses or other courses to include: physics, physiology, the respiratory system, the behavior of air spaces, diving reflexes and responses. Also, for prior 2-Day Static Apnea clinic students, intensive water-work will be added to replace theory already covered.